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3D bird detection radar

Our full 3D, 360° avian radar systems deliver accurate data in real time. Track thousands of flight paths simultaneously, log observations, and pull specialised reports for robust protocols based on facts. 

we're proud to work with

Insight at your fingertips

Historical data is as important as real-time insight, so our flagship avian radar, MAX, has a long memory. Visualise environmental conditions, bird size, speed, altitude, and more with Report Viewer for risk collision models and effective mitigation.

Monitor birds

Our bird detection radar delivers high-quality data, real-time updates, and the best possible insight to react to collisions and strikes.

Close-up of MAX bird detection radar

360° awareness, 365 days a year

Our flagship 3D bird detection radar has a leading rotation speed and expansive reporting capability, minimising bird collision risks.

  • 360° azimuth coverage
  • Scan speed of 1 second
  • 6-8 km tracking classification range (large birds) 
  • Bird size classification
  • Data analysis with Report Viewer

Bird dispersal systems with Scarecrow 

Scarecrow is a Robin company and a pioneer in sophisticated bird dispersal and data logging systems based on bio-acoustic technology. Manage and disperse birds humanely, keeping passengers, operations, and wildlife safe.

Markets we serve

Airport, airfield, or wind farm – our bird and bat detection radars deliver actionable information so you can react to threats and hazards as they emerge. 

Why Robin Radar?


years of radar love 

We’re proud of a 40-year heritage steeped in radar science. Our unique combination of experience, innovation, and a fierce drive to elevate safety make us a firm technology leader.  


Coverage in 3D

We innovated full 360°, 3D systems to give you complete awareness of what’s happening all around you, day or night, all year round.


Lightning-fast rotation

MAX's market-leading rotation speed delivers fast track updates for precise tracking and classification. Multiple stacked beams provide advanced clutter filtering for the most accurate readings.


MAX has a uniquely detailed database

Report Viewer is designed for analysis and predictive modelling. It stores observations, environmental conditions, flight characteristics, and much more. 

Delivering detailed bird data in Chile for pioneering Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with HNH Energy Project

“With this equipment, we can measure a diverse set of data that cannot be gathered with the naked eye. The radar delivers accurate height, flight speed, and direction data. This, combined with the observation of expert ornithologists, helps to identify the types of birds in the San Gregorio sector. It provides valuable and quality information.”

HNH Energy Project Manager, Juan Pablo Vargas