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1 Feb 2021

Introducing IRIS – The Best-in-Class Counter Drone Radar

robin radar iris

“Did you sleep well last night?”

This might seem like an odd question to ask someone at work. But if you're responsible for protecting your airspace from drones, a peaceful night's sleep can be hard to come by. Drones present a new and imminent security threat that's evolving dynamically every day.

The potential for misuse of small drones has businesses around the world deeply concerned. Robin Radar is proud to reveal our solution to this challenge. It's a revolutionary new radar that specialises in counter-drone technology. And it's called IRIS



At Robin Radar Systems we believe the ideal drone detection radar has three all-important elements:

  • 3D position tracking
  • 360-degree dome coverage
  • Easy integration and deployment

IRIS is specifically designed to detect and track drones. It combines micro-doppler classification with an enormous 360-degree coverage volume. This all-encompassing range means it covers all directions, all of the time.

Protect yourself from airborne threats. Read our guide to the top 10  counter-drone technologies to detect and stop drones today.

A Revolutionary Radar

IRIS is equipped to provide you with early warning of approaching drones. Thanks to 360-degree azimuth coverage and an elevation coverage of 60 degrees, IRIS gives you time to react to potential threats. And its high elevation means you don’t need to worry about drones escaping your vision by going over your radar.


Under the Hood

We challenged our engineers to ensure we made no compromises with IRIS. All radars require line of sight, so we determined that the most important factor in its design was coverage. We believe we’ve created an incredibly special radar. IRIS is a complete 3D radar system, incorporating every feature you need.

1. 3D Position Tracking

You need complete visibility for drone detection. Every second counts, and without full coverage, a drone can easily slip through the net. Height information is vital for weapon systems, cueing cameras, and other sensors. IRIS provides height information for quick detection of rogue drones, enabling you to intervene at a moment’s notice.

2. Form and Function

Our refusal to compromise on IRIS' design extends to both form and function. IRIS is small and lightweight yet includes best-in-class detection range and coverage. You can take it with you and deploy it however and wherever necessary.

3. Enhanced Detection Capabilities

Drones can approach in swarms, so your counter-drone radar needs to be able to detect multiple targets at once. IRIS can detect and track hundreds of drones simultaneously. And to avoid false alarms, IRIS automatically distinguishes birds from drones by using micro-doppler classification to detect if flying objects have rotor blades or not. With this technology, the radar can even detect hovering drones.


What’s Included?

IRIS is a complete 3D radar system with a full suite of features. It includes:

  • Back-to-back radar antennas
  • Processing station and user interface
  • Breakout box
  • Interconnecting power and network cables

IRIS also comes with an easy-to-use quick-mount tripod. Thanks to its compact form, it’s easy to integrate and deploy. You can integrate IRIS' tracks and alarms as a layer in your own security systems, which you can control via the XML broadcast-based interface included as standard with the radar.

The Future of Counter-Drone Technology

The drone threat is evolving every day, and technology needed to evolve with it. With IRIS, we've delivered the most capable counter-drone radar on the market. 

IRIS is the only radar in the world that combines all the most important characteristics required for any drone detection radar system. Discover how it can help you combat every eventuality.