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28 May 2020

Why Drone Detection is Essential for Prison Security

Chain link prison fence topped with razor wire - an ineffective defence against the drone prison security threat

One of the most prevalent and enduring challenges that undermine prison security is contraband. The smuggling of drugs, weapons, mobile phones, and other illicit items into prisons isn't a new threat. But criminals continue to find creative ways to circumvent prison security.

Drones in prisons are the latest weapon in the smuggler's arsenal. And this presents unique challenges for prison security.

Managing Drones in Prisons

Drones in prisons present a serious threat to prison security. Why? Because they're:

  • Small
  • Agile
  • Fast
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable

Traditional security measures, like walls and chain-link fences, are designed with ground threats in mind. Drone pilots can simply fly over these defences and into the facility. This causes a host of privacy issues and compromises the safety of both inmates and staff.

Drones are cheaper, more advanced, and easier to obtain than ever. As a result, drone-related prison security incidents have become more frequent, and security must stay vigilant to defend against airborne threats.

Here’s why drone detection radar is essential for prison security.

Protect yourself from airborne threats. Read our guide to the top 10  counter-drone technologies to detect and stop drones today.

Why are Drones in Prisons a Security and Privacy Threat?

Any foreign objects that enter a prison's airspace put the privacy and safety of inmates and prison staff at risk.

Tiny unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are almost always equipped with cameras, which criminals can use to capture sensitive information and conduct unlawful surveillance. This not only compromises prison security, but also the privacy of those that live in, work at, or visit the facility.

For example, someone could use a drone's onboard camera to plot the prison's layout, monitor guard activity, and identify any weak points in security. Criminal groups could then use this information to establish the best time for a contraband drop-off. And, before anyone's even aware of the drone's presence, it's gone. It's this unpredictability that makes drones such a serious threat to prison security.

For continued protection, effective drone detection is essential. Advanced drone detection radars let you quickly identify and classify drone threats, pinpoint their location, and track their position in real time.

Combining drone detection radar with other counter-drone technology such as radio frequency jammers provides the full situational awareness you need to tackle the increasing drone threat.

Close up of an airborne drone flying towards a prison guard tower

The Fight Against Drones in Prison and Contraband

Contraband has been an issue for prisons for as long as they've existed. But drones have changed the game, creating new opportunities for criminals and new headaches for security.

Drone smuggling incidents are on the rise globally. In the US, drug mule drones and drone smuggling, in general, have become such a serious issue that it's drawn the attention of the Department of Justice.

One such incident occurred in February 2022, when two individuals conspired with inmates at Fort Dix prison, New Jersey, to airdrop packages of contraband into the facility. The packages included mobile phones, tobacco, weight loss supplements, and glasses. If convicted, the individuals face up to five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000.

Incidents like this happen almost every week. But an even more serious incident occurred in 2021 when an inmate at a high-security Italian prison used a drone to smuggle in a gun. This was part of a deliberate attack on another inmate. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

The lack of effective drone prison security makes drones an increasingly popular choice for smugglers. Advanced drones can cost as little as £1,000 and don't require any special skills to operate. And as drone technology becomes even more affordable, incidents will continue to rise.

Recognising the threat, government bodies across the globe are starting to implement drone detection and mitigation strategies.

Chain link prison security fence at twilight

Counter-Drone Technology for Prisons

g  With drone incidents increasing every year, counter-drone technology is no longer a luxury, it's an essential part of prison security. Although you might not have experienced a serious drone incident first-hand, it's likely you will in the coming years.

The right drone detection radars help to mitigate the security headaches drones cause and give prison officials advanced warning of incoming threats, so they can prepare an effective response.