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Precision military base radar

Our military base avian and drone radars deliver 360° coverage and advanced classification. Whatever your mission, mitigate bird strikes and manage drone threats with systems that give early alerts, practical insight, and precious time to react. 

we're proud to work with
Military fighter plane flying nose down against a clear blue sky

Protect assets and prevent downtime

With Report Viewer, MAX puts strategic intelligence at your fingertips for effective wildlife management. Use long-term insights to keep assets airworthy as you protect your base and practice sites. 

Illustration of an aeroplane in the middle of a targeting reticle

360° coverage in 3D

We innovated full 360°, 3D systems to give you complete awareness of what’s happening all around you, all year round.

Illustration of a radar display showing multiple objects

Detailed detection 

MAX tracks thousands of birds simultaneously, displaying data in its intuitive interface. Get accurate height information, classify bird size, and track flight paths with precision. 

Illustration of a targeting reticle with a tick in the centre

Sky-high accuracy

MAX's market-leading rotation speed delivers fast track updates for precise tracking and classification. Multiple stacked beams also mean advanced clutter filtering for the most accurate readings.

Illustration of a radar scanning display

Classify and track drones 

Need accurate drone detection? IRIS and ELVIRA use micro-doppler and deep neural network (DNN) technology to distinguish blades and rotating parts, classifying and tracking even fixed-wing and hovering drones.

Explore our market-leading bird and drone detection radars

Our radars give you the power of high-quality data and instant real-time updates. See exactly what’s happening in your airspace to respond quickly and effectively to threats.

Close-up of IRIS drone detection radar

Small, mighty 3D radar

IRIS combines leading accuracy, versatility, and coverage in a deployable 29kg package, even on the move.

  • 360° azimuth coverage
  • Lightweight and deployable at 29kg
  • Micro-doppler classification
  • On-the-move (OTM) capable
Close-up of MAX bird detection radar

360° coverage, 365 days a year

Leading rotation speed and expansive reporting capability level up wildlife management. 

  • 360° azimuth coverage
  • Scan speed of 1 second
  • 6-8 km tracking classification range (large birds) 
  • Bird size classification
  • Strategic data analysis with Report Viewer  
Close-up of ELVIRA drone detection radar

Game-changing 2D detection

ELVIRA combines smart software with affordable hardware for exceptional awareness.

  • 360° azimuth coverage
  • Micro-doppler classification
  • Affordable price point

Bird dispersal systems with Scarecrow

Scarecrow is a Robin company and a pioneer in sophisticated bird dispersal and data logging systems based on bio-acoustic technology. Manage and disperse birds humanely, keeping passengers, operations, and wildlife safe.

partnerships forged in radar

"Our Airfield Wildlife Control Operators have access to an in-vehicle tablet. With it, they track bird movements detected by the radar in real-time, passing on any potentially dangerous bird activity to the controllers in the tower to communicate with pilots.”

Bird Control Unit Wildlife Manager, RAF Lossiemouth

Keep discovering

Bird strikes in aviation
Drone detection
case study