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31 Mar 2022

Aena Installs New Avian Radar System At Bilbao Airport

Aena Installs New Avian Radar System At Bilbao Airport image

Bilbao Airport has installed the very first avian radar in Spain to detect bird movement in the surrounding area and mitigate bird strikes; marking the first use of this technology in the Aena airport network.

Previously introduced to detect and track wildlife in airports such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, the MAX 3D bird radar system has been commissioned with the aim to reduce and manage the risk posed by birds to aircraft operations.

Through the use of AI the data gathered from this radar system is expected to reveal the flight paths of birds and analyse their behaviour.

By enabling a deeper understanding of the flight habits of the birds that frequent the surrounding area, the new radar will allow Bilbao Airport to significantly improve the safety measures implemented; effectively mitigating the danger of wildlife collisions. It will also provide additional data in the event of impacts, or other events involving wildlife in the airport's take-off and landing operations.

Training will be provided to Aena’s technical staff and radar testing will be carried out until the first quarter of 2023. This testing phase will be used to gather data that will enable deployment of the equipment functionalities. It is expected that initial operational results will be obtained 5 months from the radars first use.

The reports gathered will provide data on bird movements, allowing the airport to implement mitigating measures tailored for each individual species posing a threat to operations. The technology will also help identify bird flight patterns and habitats.

This initiative is part of Aena’s Strategic Innovation Plan; a commitment to R&D&I that improves processes, boosts efficiency and further enhances operational safety. Through innovation, Aena seeks to implement cutting-edge technologies that will affirm its position as industry and technology leader in the sector.

Note: This is a transcreation of an article that originally appeared on the Aena website: https://www.aena.es/es/prensa/aena-instala-el-nuevo-radar-aviar-del-aeropuerto-de-bilbao.html&p=1575078740846