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17 Apr 2016

John Bremner Joins ROBIN Team

John Bremner Joins ROBIN Team

John Bremner joins ROBIN for the drone detection radar business

John joined ROBIN Radar Systems in April 2016. His key area of responsibility is international business development for the rapidly expanding drone detection radar market.

Prior to joining the ROBIN team, John was a major contributor in starting up Microflown AVISA, producing innovative acoustic threat detection systems for the defence industry. At Microflown John was involved in many aspects of the business, both commercially and technically, while focusing on product management and business development.

John was super impressed after seeing the drone detection radar in action and is excited to be involved and work with this new technology. Of course, detection and tracking alone is not the only answer. The optimal solution for the increasing drone threat is a system which integrates multiple sensor technologies, and preferably one in which the users have access to various effector options, depending on the specific scenario.

John commented: "It's my job to make sure ROBIN's drone detection radar is an integral part of these systems, and to help ROBIN to become the premier global radar technology provider in the drone detection market".

John is originally from Scotland but is fluent in Dutch.


John Bremner