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24 Sep 2019

Let's Talk - Trail-Blazers, Change-Makers, Front-Runners & Pioneers: They're All Speaking at Robin Radar Systems

Let's Talk - Trail-Blazers, Change-Makers, Front-Runners & Pioneers: They're All Speaking at Robin Radar Systems

Innovation is at the centre of everything we do here at Robin Radar Systems.

But what exactly is innovation?

And why do we need to be innovative in the first place?

Who should be innovating and how can you become even more innovative?

And how do you even measure innovation?

To answer these questions, and to inspire the team, we invited top Dutch innovators to share their own inspiring stories of innovation with the Robin Team.

Lets Talk - Trail-Blazers, Change-Makers, Front-Runners & Pioneers: Theyre All Speaking at Robin Radar Systems

The first innovator to share his story was Jasper Baggerman.

Lets Talk - Trail-Blazers, Change-Makers, Front-Runners & Pioneers: Theyre All Speaking at Robin Radar Systems

And he not only shared his learnings from five top Dutch companies - he even gifted the entire team copies of his new book!

Lets Talk - Trail-Blazers, Change-Makers, Front-Runners & Pioneers: Theyre All Speaking at Robin Radar Systems

Thanks, Jasper!

How important is innovation to you?