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6 Jul 2022

Robin Named One Of The Top 250 Scaleups In The Netherlands

Robin Named One Of The Top 250 Scaleups In The Netherlands


Robin Radar Systems is delighted to announce that we were once again named one of the Top 250 Scaleups in the Netherlands! 

Compiled by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, the 2022 Top 250 Scaleups of the Netherlands report uncovers that the fastest-growing businesses are back on track after the tumultuous years brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and labour shortages, which posed a threat to the successful scaling of the country's most innovative companies. 

The report reveals that the Top 250 scaleups have grown exponentially, with growth rates in FTE (full-time equivalent) new hires and revenue doubling since last year. 

Despite the unprecedented pressure facing the usually booming Dutch landscape for fast-growing scaleups, Robin is proud to be named amongst companies that were able to find resilient solutions to the challenges brought on by the pandemic and experience growth. 

Top 250 Scaleups list consists of a selection of fast-growing companies (scaleups) that:

  • have at least 10 FTE and/or at least 5 million euros in turnover at the start of the measurement period.
  • achieved an average growth of at least 20% in FTE and/or revenue in three consecutive years in the 2018-2021 period.

Robin was previously named one of the Top 250 Scaleups in 2020


About The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship


The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship is a leading entrepreneurship centre in Europe. Fueled by a belief that entrepreneurship is the primary driver for innovation, they strive to embed entrepreneurship in people's DNA by applying the knowledge and network of Erasmus University Rotterdam, a university founded by entrepreneurs more than 100 years ago.

The Centre works with several municipalities, regional development companies, ministries and other public organisations worldwide to help stimulate companies' growth.