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27 Nov 2018

Robin Radar Systems Moving to New Premises

Robin Radar Systems Moving to New Premises

Yep, we're moving. And it's going to be epic!

We've been working super hard on our new location, and we can't wait to show you!

Seriously. You're going to be making excuses just to come and visit us...

But, we're not going to spoil the surprise just yet.

Like Apple, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and Amazon, we also started in a garage. Granted it was a big garage, for small (Smart) cars before we moved in, but we made it our own.

We've had a blast and achieved some fabulous successes here.

Like when:

  • we signed our first contract with Amsterdam Schiphol Airport as our launching customer;
  • we welcomed investors and gained their trust;
  • we hosted delegations from over 30 countries;
  • we welcomed 25 new team members; and
  • we received amazing awards, like Top 100 SME, Deloitte Fast 50, Best Place to Work, and an FD Gazelle. 


But now it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Well, at least a bigger and better building!

Moving day is 3rd December! From then you'll find us at:

Laan van Waalhaven 355
2497 GM The Hague
The Netherlands

Show Map

Make sure to change our address in your database!

And we look forward to seeing you in our new office.