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18 Nov 2021

Robin Takes Off in U.S. Market with Boeing Deal

Robin Takes Off in U.S. Market with Boeing Deal image

Robin Radar Systems have signed a deal with its first U.S. customer to trigger the companies’ phased plan of entering and becoming established in the U.S. market.

Boeing will deploy one MAX avian radar at a U.S. Boeing facility, as part of a six-month trial to mitigate the risk of bird strikes.

Robin’s flagship avian radar will be used on a demo and trial case basis, reviewing detailed data to assess and mitigate risk. Both companies are focused on creating value to support the markets and segments they cater for; making the cooperation particularly fitting.

“The issue of bird strikes is as old as aviation itself,” shares AJ Santomieri, Boeing Flight Operations Support. “We foresee specialized avian radars like these will become the Standard in Aviation and we’re eager to assess its performance”

The deal marks a critical moment for Robin, as the company takes its first step towards becoming established in the United States with sights set on realizing a firm position in 2022.