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Our customers and partners

We're proud of how far we've come, and we wouldn't be where we are today without our visionary customers and expert partners.

CCO Marcel Verdonk signing a document

The best in the business

From esteemed distributors and suppliers to strategic integrators and investors, collaboration is the driving force behind our success. 

Illustration of a globe

90+ global partners and customers

We have pioneering partners in every corner of the world. From Chile to Japan, we collaborate closely to keep our technologies at the cutting edge, harnessing partner feedback and insight for continuous innovation.

Illustration of a bar graph comprised of three bars, the third of which is topped with an arrow

300+ systems installed

Just like our radars, we always have an eye on the horizon. We’re constantly expanding our customer base, scaling security, and banging the drum for a safer world.

Illustration of two interlocking gears

25+ integrations

We design every Robin product to slot seamlessly within an ecosystem of other technologies, including C2 systems, cameras, and countermeasures. This way, our experienced integrators can focus on what they do best.  

Partner and customer login

Login here to discover the knowledge and resources we’ve set aside for you, our trusted partner.

Get the resources you need to be successful

IRIS deployed at Baltimore Bridge Site to support security operations

Robin Radar Systems is supporting the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in establishing a ‘no drone zone’ at the site of the Key Bridge collision in Baltimore, MD.

Team up with us

Got a project you’d like to run by us? Think we’d work well together? Our door’s always open! If you’re interested in teaming up, let us know.